quote from NPR story about irreversible global warming from Dr. Solomon

Image result for Susan Solomon

” But despite this grim prognosis, Solomon says this is not time to declare the problem hopeless and give up.

“I guess if it’s irreversible, to me it seems all the more reason you might want to do something about it,” she says. “Because committing to something that you can’t back out of seems to me like a step that you’d want to take even more carefully than something you thought you could reverse.” ”

Pretty bizarre, huh?

Windmills Make Us Poor

It seems like a lonely life realizing these scammers are just that. War on drugs, poverty, terror, even illiteracy; They are all designed to acquire funds that otherwise would never be received through a voluntary transaction. Here is a chart of temperatures of the Earth over millions of years: http://scotese.com/climate.htm

How does our little blip measure-up? Societies have consistently been more prosperous during warmer periods. Who would complain?


Inline image 1

Windmills Make Us Poor

For years, alternative energy development was stifled by petroleum subsidies; among them military protection rackets and depletion allowances. The subsidies were touted as a way to prop up national security and help low income people get around. But if the cost of oil was realized at the pump instead of hidden in tax breaks and subsidies, investment in other forms of energy would have been more attractive.

Any government-forced transfer of wealth results in misdirected economic decisions. The only way to know which form of energy is best is to let millions of consumers decide without interference.

The market is already full of products that we’ve shown we want through purchase. So in order to cash in on a way to compete with proven goods and services, a crisis is used.

In the history of Earth, we are now in the lower one quarter of the range of Earth’s temperature, yet there is some serious money to be made. In spite of the fact that nature has provided us with the ultimate storage vehicle for solar energy, fossil fuels, we are to believe that these tiny objects (relative to Earth’s surface) such as power plants and cars can drastically change the climate.

In the early 1980’s when we started farming, I dug tunnels to the hog water tanks through drifts of snow the pigs would walk over as if there was no fence at all. We hung a curtain to cordon off the kitchen because the wood cook-stove was the only way to keep us warm. Now I only use insulated coveralls for ringing the Salvation Army bell at Fareway. The climate is warmer.

The climate science debate is focused on whether the climate is warming and laws to fix the problem, while ignoring the consequences of those laws and the benefits they will bring.

Susan Solomon (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), one of the world’s top climate scientists, and her colleagues issued a report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. It states that eliminating carbon dioxide emissions from human activity would be offset by natural processes and not slow the trend toward a warmer climate.

On the other end of the scale is the most optimistic estimate of the results of a world totalitarian dictatorship (Invade China?). If we are all controlled to such an extent, the temperature of the earth would be reduced by less than one tenth of one percent of a degree F in a hundred years. We are presently spending $1.5 trillion per year on the global warming industry and according to the alarmists that is still not enough. Imagine how lifestyles would change if we were doing “enough.” This cloudy, windless day would have me huddled by a window with pencil and paper, not at this keyboard and search engine. (Google, by the way, is a joke, controlled by climate change industry tax feeders.)

The bottom line is that we should tell the bio-fuel and windmill scam artists to take a hike. We should be skeptical when a crisis is touted as a way to fight a market that is truly our friend. The market makes us wealthy. Government control makes us poor.

Those of us who are concerned about income inequality, the cost of medical care, and the cost of living in general should reject the idea of punishing the productive class to reward opportunistic snake oil salesmen.

I can’t imagine self-described constitutional conservative, Representative Steve King, and the taxpayers’ watchdog, Senator Charles Grassley actually believe the windmill subsidies are constitutional or a moral alternative to freedom. Bringing home the bacon to Iowa costs someone else, somewhere.

On this Thanksgiving Day. I am thankful we have none of these monuments to stupidity within sight of our farm.

A note on The Alternative from two weeks back: Brett Pharo wrote about the election, not me.  Also… photo above from Wattsupwiththat.com


Below: Best car we’ve ever owned

Image result for white VW golf sportwagen

Volkswagen will cut 30,000 jobs after government officials’ crusade against cars with excellent performance and mileage. Anarchy, once again proves to be more people friendly than the ridiculous totalitarian government most people accept as the status quo.

So along comes that Reagan quote again, ” Status quo, you know, is Latin for the mess we’re in.”

Let’s not forget NOx standards are tougher than 97% of all cars on the road. Bush senior, GW and Ohbombya all strengthened those standards, somewhat coincidentally increasing revenue for big oil (hate that term but it fits here) by $20 billion per year.


Suggestions for Trump on lewrockwell,com

Suggestions for Trump

Writes Chris Sullivan:

Trump’s website has a suggestion box so I sent him a few suggestions:

Introduce an amendment that says “The sixteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.”

Cut off funding for National Public Radio and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Cut off Secret Service protection for former Presidents one year after they leave office.

Abolish the Department of Agriculture.

Abolish the Department of Education.

Abolish the Department of Energy.

Abolish the Department of Homeland Security.

Abolish the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Abolish the Food and Drug Administration.

Abolish the Centers for Disease Control.

Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank.

Abolish the Department of Transportation.

Abolish the Occupational Health and Safety Administration.

Introduce a Constitutional amendment forbidding any government involvement or influence in education/schooling in any way whatsoever. This would mean no funding, no land grants, no teacher certification, no interference in text books or curriculum, no compulsory attendance, no buildings, no busses, no ROTC programs, no dietary standards or funding for lunches, no providing equipment or advice. In short, no more influence in schools than what happens on the surface of the sun.

Pledge to sign no law that doesn’t apply equally to government employees and officials as non-government citizens.

Repeal the Gun Control Act of 1968.

Cut off foreign aid to everybody.

Return all federal park land to the states.

Forbid the use of Social Security numbers for anything other than Social Security, just as it said on the original cards, “FOR SOCIAL SECURITY AND TAX PURPOSES – NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION.”

Abolish the Federal Highway Administration.

Abolish the Bureau of Mines.

Abolish the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Close all military bases not on US property.

Release all documents on false flag operations, experiments such as Tuskeegee and MK Ultra, Operation Mockingbird, Operation Northwoods, etc.

Follow through on your pledge to repeal the Johnson Amendment.

This should suffice for day one.

‘Nother RIP

I saw Leon Russell perform in a small ballroom in San Rafael with my friend and best man, Cary. Also there was Steve Miller and also the extreme Captain Beefheart. Later, living in Iowa I’ve been blessed in so many ways. My precious Dawnie grew up idolizing Karen Carpenter, who covered Masquerade, and Song for You. Covers are different from imitation. They go beyond the sincerest form of flattery. Leon deserved them all. And in Iowa Kevin Schoeneman ran The Surf Ballroom for a time. To us, the golden age of live music in our neighborhood. He brought Leon Russell to The Surf three times and we were there every time. Once his daughter joined in vocal. What a treat that was. And further evidence of the greatness of Russell. Not to mention his making the Joe Cocker Band what it was.

Succinct account by Brett Pharo

As I sat down to write The Alternative this was in the email. There was no use writing what I had in mind when Brett said it like this. So I pass it along as an alternative to the main stream rubbish you might find more easily:

Regardless of who you voted for, we should all be proud of the voter turnout.  Both major party candidates received a tremendous number of votes, as did Mr. Johnson of the Libertarian Party.  It’s too bad that we don’t get that kind of turnout to vote for candidates rather than against candidates, as I suspect was the case this time.

In any case, congratulations are in order for Mr. Trump.  Congratulations, and recognition, are also in order for the first female to manage a campaign that won the Presidency.  Regardless of who you voted for, you probably recognize that Kellyanne Conway (Trumps campaign manager) did a fantastic job.  This is a field that has been totally the domain of men in the past, but Ms. Conway broke through that perceived barrier with class and dominance.  Well done!

Trump’s win is all the more impressive when you realize what he was up against.  He took on the Insiders of the Republican Party, including the powerful Bush political machine, and did so while dealing with a press that was pretty critical of him throughout the primary season.  And he won.  He then took on the powerful Clinton machine,  the Insiders from both major parties, the big money wall streeters, and an openly hostile media in the general election.  Rarely, if ever, have the political powers been so stacked against a candidate.  And he won.  This seems to have been a peaceful revolution against the ruling class.

For many, a Trump win came as a totally shocking surprise.  For many others, though, it was not.  I’ve never been a big fan of Michael Moore, but he was dead on when he predicted Trump would be the next President back in July and then again in October.  The Insiders pooh poohed his prediction, but he was right that Trump would carry the rust belt states and the election, and why.  Other analysts, such as Jim Rickards, also were predicting a Trump win.  Most of the media seemed to be totally flabbergasted as returns came in and just couldn’t understand how they had been so wrong.  A few did get it.  I think it was Chuck Todd that was realizing that they had totally overlooked what has become known to the political elite as “fly over country.”  This is home to the productive engine of America, the rural agriculture areas and the manufacturing centers, both of which have suffered greatly from the policies of taking from the productive and giving to the unproductive.

While Clinton was demonstrating the disdain the Insiders, Democrat and Republican, have for the heart of America by referring to them as “deplorables,” Trump was going to the people, listening to them, and connecting with them.  The utter disdain the Insiders have for the Outsiders was abundantly evident throughout Tuesday evenings election coverage.  Over and over on many channels many of the talking heads stated their belief that Trump voters, or Republicans, or rural people were all uneducated.  Very insulting, and totally without any basis outside of the imaginary world they live in.  As I said, a few did not present this view, but so many did.  What do they mean by uneducated?  I think most farmers I know are college educated.  And among those that aren’t, I’m pretty sure they are still quite educated.  Probably most of them would be quite capable of sitting in a talking head chair bleating out opinions for a few hours, whereas I’m quite sure none of the talking heads are educated enough to do what these farmers do on a daily basis where a working understanding is needed of biology, chemistry, physics, agronomy, economics, mechanics, etc.  I’d like to see some of these “educated” folks try to fix their car engines, or design and construct a bridge, or treat a patient in an ambulance or ER, or coordinate a response to a fire, or frankly do anything productive.  And, yes, I am college educated, graduating summa cum laude and a member of Mensa, so I do take offense at being called uneducated and by implication ignorant, by the elitists.

Just look at all those uneducated deplorables out in the street rioting over the results of the election.  Oh, wait … that isn’t the uneducated deplorable Trump supporters, but the educated, tolerant, caring Clinton supporters showing great maturity and tolerance for opposing views.  They are marching, destroying property, and even beating fellow human beings for the high crime of voting for someone other than Clinton.  This is ridiculous.  What if’s are always speculative, but I sincerely doubt that if Clinton had won you would see Trump supporters acting this way, if for no other reason than that they would need to be at work to support both their families and their dependent welfare families.  But more importantly, though very unhappy with the results, they would have accepted the results.  You didn’t see this reaction four or eight years ago from the side that lost the election.  Says a lot.

Speaking of adult-like reactions, or the lack thereof, I see some college professors felt the need to cancel classes or exams so that the students could have time to grieve or whatever.  Good grief, what a bunch of immature babies we’re turning out these days!  Today being Veteran’s Day, I’m reminded that 70+ years ago young adults were storming beaches on Normandy, Iwo Jima, Tarawa, and other places, and 50 years ago young adults were going through booby-trapped jungles to face the enemy.  Today young adults need “safe places” on campus where their feelings won’t be hurt by someone saying something they find offensive, and they are reduced to being unable to take tests due to an election not coming out the way they want.  What will they do when they find out the real world doesn’t coddle to their every need.  I suppose that is partly the result of being fed a steady diet of indoctrination of victimhood and intolerance being called tolerance.

I was glad to see Obama and Trump are both acting like adults so far in the transition.  Good for them.